Yay Elections Day!

Nov 04, 2008 17:55

So, I voted this morning.  More people there than usual, but still not all that busy.  Course, it was pretty early and I think most of the people that vote there are college students so I imagine it's more busy now.   I couldn't wait anymore though, so I got it over with and now all there is to do is wait.

Oh yeah, I didn't get a sticker. :(  Not that there is anything in this town I could get something for free from (except coffee, but eww), but I still wanted one damnit.  They didn't have any though, for whatever reason.  Not that I'm really upset over it or anything, just...sticker. D:

One thing I have to say is how remarkable this election is.  Not just because historical implications, but because so, so many people really seem to care about it.  I never thought I'd see people care about an election as much as this one and I'm proud and excited and yeah.  Not much else to say right now, but I thought I'd share this article that heidi8 linked on her journal.  It actually made me tear up a little bit and it's not very long so uh...*recs*.    I'm going to post the same quote too because I am incredibly unoriginal and lazy (but I voted today!) I really like it.  Anyway, check it out.  And vote (not that I need to tell anyone on my flist that, but yeah).

If you have children, take them to the polls with you. Remind them that for most of human history, people had no say in who would lead them, that violence and fear determined who controlled the institutions of power. Tell them that even in our own country, founded on the most noble of democratic principles, people have had to labor and protest and fight and even die to secure this right for themselves and for others. Tell them that there are many things you can do to exercise your citizenship, but this is one thing you must do. Tell them that election day is when you act not for yourself but for your community and your country. Tell them that although campaigns can be small and mean, election day is when our nation can also be bound by hope.
Paul Waldman, The Prospect

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