Should we prepare for tragedies?

May 24, 2011 10:14

 Interesting overly inflated outrage of the day, where in a representative compares being prepared for rape to making sure you have a spare tire.

Bollier asked him, “And so women need to plan ahead for issues that they have no control over with a pregnancy?”
DeGraaf drew groans of protest from some House members when he responded, “I have spare tire on my car.”
“I also have life insurance,” he added. “I have a lot of things that I plan ahead for.”

Of course the headling of the article, the lead in, and last bit of it are well written to seriously piss off whoever happens to be reading it no matter what their political leanings ... that is assuming you don't apply logic but rather lean entirely on your emotions.

It reads a lot like a teen aged drama queen screaming about a two week relationship collapsing. The world... it's over... esp if these evil republicans have their way. Was the comparison ham handed? Yes. Completely. Was it a "moral outrage?" Only if you think preparing for reality is some how morally outrageous. Life is NOT simple or pretty. We prepare for tragedies every day.

Those who don't? Well... go watch footage of hurricane Katrina or consider walking the streets of DC unarmed at night (or even during the day for that matter).

Am I heartless? No. I own weapons in preparation for someone to attempt to murder me. I have life insurance for the same reason. I also have life insurance on my kids incase they die in a car accident or someone tries to end their lives. I have home owners insurance incase someone steals my belongings. I have car insurance in case I am hit on the way to work. I have accidental DEATH AND DISMEMBERMENT insurance, and I have disability insurance. OMG! I had to PREPARE for dismemberment? HOW AWEFUL!

These aren't pleasant things. They're not things I like to think about, but I DO prepare for them, and the idea that people shouldn't have to prepare or consider tragedy? It's utterly ridiculous.

The idea that preparing for a tragedy is somehow a "moral outrage" is flatly stupid. If you can't think beyond the simple emotional ploys of the leftist blogosphere ... here's your sign.
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