Islamic extremists crossing our southern border
One Angry Christian
This oughta scare the beejeezus out of you:
A book celebrating suicide bombers has been found in the Arizona desert just north of the U.S.- Mexican border, authorities tell Fox News.
The book, "In Memory of Our Martyrs," was spotted Tuesday by a U.S. Border Patrol agent out
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Remember the guy screaming Allahu Akbat while shooting his fellow soldiers, the guy who the Army knew was a threat for a year but coddled due to PC? Followed by Obama coming out to a news conference where he first offered "a shout out" then moved on to the tragedy?
Besides, Obama doesn't care if he gets a second term. He's an ideologue. If he gets it, great. But if he has ANY distraction to keep people focused while they continue their agenda behind the scenes it's an ongoing win. He isn't just about change now. He is setting up permanent changes to government on the level of Wilson via Cass Sunstein and regulation. Health control was his big deal. Now he can coast and let the minions tear the place apart out of public view. A distraction, even to his detriment, is a plus. And that's assuming after the evidence to the contrary at Ft Hood, that the mainstream media won't successfully turn Obama into the untouchable martyr the right is automatically evil to criticize over the event. These are people who still claim the right used 9/11.
Everyone says Obama will veto it.
I'd wager a steak dinner he won't.
Whether he'll veto or not has no bearing on whether it should be done. For that matter there is more reason to do it. Lay out the contrast before the people.
I don't think precedent applies currently in our political atmosphere. I think that's where our thoughts diverge.
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