Firstly, I have to get something off my chest. Obama's speech? I think he did a hell of a job. Kudos to him for being a great leader at this particular moment in time.
Now? Back to opposing his policies.
What did I really log in to post about?
This retardedness The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council has ruled that Dire Straits’ 1980s hit Money for Nothing is too offensive for Canadian radio.
The ruling, released Wednesday, was in response to a complaint against St. John’s radio station CHOZ-FM. The listener complained that the word faggot - which appears three times in the song is “extremely offensive” to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.
Reminds me of a publisher who is currently censoring our classics.
John Stewart has more on that. and yes Money for Nothing is an American Music Classic released shortly after MTv became very popular. I remember it from my childhood. WTH Canada?
Remember when the left was against censorship? Apparently those days are over, but wait... those days (if you bother to really pay attention
never existed in the first place.
So today marks the day in which I can officially point at Canada as an instrument in censorship for no real apparent reason... along with those tards censoring Mark Twain.