Normally I reserve my "info-fascism" posts for stories that I find where liberals are either physically attacking someone they disagree with or manipulating a public source of information in order to remove or stifle data that contradicts their presupposed arguments. This sort of malicious purposeful removal of information is nothing short of propagating their own propaganda and silencing in a fascist deceitful manner those they disagree with.
They not only consistently practice this sort of thing, but they're good at it. It's hard not be when the vast majority of the major media outlets are on your side.
Today I'm going to step away from that general format. Today's example of typical leftist info-fascism is a great example of how they're infiltrating our institutions and then using their numbers and so-called authority driving out anyone who disagrees with them using extremist attacks such as comparing anyone who dissents to the Nazi party or groups radical enough to deny the holocaust.
This has become rather common in the Global Warming debate as well as religious discussion where fundamentalist Atheists attack most commonly even liberal Christians as hate mongering bigoted lying hypocritical baby eaters that couldn't think for themselves just because ... they believe in God.
This is nothing short of one more step towards feeding us to the lions, and prosecuting those scientists who dissent from the global warming hysteria. Right now the law prohibits such things, but then the laws are made up of those who are either elected (the democrats would be the first to jail people for their opinions. See "hate crimes" legislation and its far reaching implications as well as many comments made about the "Nuremberg style trials" for "Global warming deniers"), or have the money to sue until the Judges reinterpret the laws to suit their agenda. It's not a stretch to think the ACLU would probably sue to protect public executions of Christians as freedom of expression much as they protect the members of NAMBLA, and yet stay strangely silent where the rights of those who dissent against this and other similar forms of madness are concerned.
Am I exaggerating? Probably a bit, but the longer this goes on the less extreme it seems. Click the image to see yet another step in the direction of my so-called hysteria over nothing.
Just keep in mind that this is the left is the group that used the ideology of "diverse open debate" to put themselves in the mainstream. That idea has apparently out lived its usefulness, and they're now yanking it to solidify their hold on every major institution they can get their hands on.
Don't you just love the "tolerance" of the left?
-One Angry Christian