Jul 21, 2005 17:04
hey everyone. nothing much is going on. me and the family are up at the hotel again so i thought i would give a little update. since my dad came we have been having fun cause we are finaly geting out of Amar. we went to the castel which was amazing, it reminded me of kingdom of heaven sooo bad. tomorrow we are suposed to be going to the meditreanian sea(sorry i cant spell) which should be awesome!! my cousins are comming back from lebinane(once again i cant spell) today so im happy about that. we have 2 more long weeks then i will be HOME!! i will not forget to call all my friends before school starts, so trust me you will hear from me again,wether you like it or not. well i got to go i love you all soooooosooooosoooo much and miss you a billion!!!