Say goodbye to Dick and Bush. Say hello to the 44th President of the United States: Barack Hussein Obama, and Vice President, Joe Biden.
I am excited about what's to come. I get angry at stupid biggoted people that WON'T EVEN GIVE OBAMA A CHANCE. I mean, if Obama screws something up in office, then I feel that it's ok to put up that red flag. But I feel that many people are already giving Obama the red flag for things that he cannot help, or things that are stupid or petty.
- Barack cannot help the color of his skin. Must we learn Martin Luther King speaches again? Content of character - not judging by the color of one's skin. It's basic people, for serious.
- Barack is young, but by no means not inexperienced. I have no doubts that he can handle this position.
- Barack was born in the United States. Hawaii has his birth certificate information on file. People need to stop bitching about this.
Those are just the top three things that I hear all the time, the kinds of people that seem to think they can predict these horrible things before Obama's even done anything. Give Obama a chance. That's all I really ask of the people who didn't support him during the election.
So, what am I doing to celebrate? Going bowling with some friends, have a good time :)
Totally unrelated to anything regarding Inauguration Day...I have started playing Kingdom Hearts for the first time. Yes, I realize that the game is nearly 7 years old. But, I haven't really had a gaming system til I moved in with Mike, and I finally realized one day, "Oh shit! I haven't played this game yet! I've wanted to play this game, I shall purchase it and play it" So I got it, and well, it's good, but it has flaws, which I guess I should expect from a game made 7 years ago. My number one major pet peeve is that there isn't really a camera rotation joystick. I mean, yeah, you can press that one button and see things through the first person's view, but I tried that in the Deep Jungle when I had to climb up that ridiculously hard waterfall to find the ??? cave, and when I tried to rotate it in the direction I wanted, it wouldn't stay that way. So I kind of had to BS my whole way up those hard ledges. Seriously, I wanted to freaking beat up the game really bad at that moment.
Also, I am peeved that there are no mini maps. I'm getting attacked left and right by stupid Heartless people, mainly because I never know where I am going or what I am supposed to do. A lot of the time, I have to BS my way through the game, even when I have to look up what to do next. I feel like the online guides are the most ambiguous things ever. Like, when you are in the climbing tree in the deep jungle, it says to attack the huge black flower looking thing, but my character can barely reach that thing, and all the while, when I'm trying my best to beat the shit out of this flower, I also have to watch my back for the heartless creatures too. And I mean, I guess I can't complain, I get mad experience fighting those guys, as well as some munnies. But seriously, I could barely reach that flower to fight it, so naturally it took me forever to beat it finally. But even when the guides tell me where to go next, it's usually something like, "Go to the Third District in Traverse Town and find Merlin, the door should be marked by a flame." Ok, so that helped me a little bit, but it didn't tell me that I had to use my Fire spell in order to open the door. FACEPALMMMMM!!!!
I get lost all the time, because of no mini-maps. I also hate it, how you have to go to a save point in order to change your party members, in order to do that Trinity thing. For serious, can't I just do that any old time I want to?
Oh well, I am looking forward to beating the game, so I can get Kingdom Hearts II, which I heard is a lot better to say the least.