An Update?!

Sep 08, 2008 23:15

Everything is well in Maryland. I've got a great group of people in my program, and I'm looking forward to getting to know them better through all kinds of fun events (cough: happy hours).

I'm taking 3 classes and 1 seminar that equals up to full time status -> 10 hours. Those classes are environmental ethics, environmental ethics, and advanced population ecology. So far, all three professors are very different and very interesting - they have a lot to say. I'm excited even as I'm already wearied by the sheer amount of reading they have dumped upon my shoulders that already support the weight of a very heavy backpack (did you follow that metaphor?)

I'm also a full time (20 hr/wk) TA for a Calc 1 for Life Sciences class. I must be careful so this doesn't take up all my time.

Apparently, there's a sign on my forehead that reads "supportive role model figure" because my office hours have been full to the brim - standing room only for the entire 2 hours. Oh yeah, and I had to cover for another TA last week and there too - Standing room only for 2 hours and beyond (meaning they didn't stop coming once the time limit of office hours was reached.)

But that's alright. I'm sure it'll even out once all these pre-med freshmen get the hang of things. The majority of the questions I received were over the obscure wording of the text and mental blockage of anything variable related. I understand some of their pain because I've been having to re-teach myself (and Ted's been a great tutor) some of this stuff so I can explain it concisely and accurately. Well, try to explain it concisely and accurately.

And it's a cool math class. It actually uses real-life biology situations in problems. So at some points I do actually sound like I know what I'm talking about. Heh. It's not that bad. I do know math. Just maybe not as well as I could.

But that's not the real reason for my update. Well, I mean, kinda. Life is good here, or it will be once I get everything into some semblance of a routine. Right now it's the second week of class and for everything that I remember to have with me, I also tend to leave 2 other things behind. Also. This campus is huge and my legs are having a hard time keeping up with my need to get everywhere on bike as quickly as possible.

Works in progress, these all are. ;)

But the Big news is this:

I'm a direct descendant of Robin Hood.


Or rather - who Robin Hood may be based on - a certain Fulke FitzWarin who is the star of an amazing novel by Elizabeth Chadwick - Lords of the White Castle. He got into a childhood (teenage really) quarrel with Prince John (over John cheating in a game of chess and Fulke calling him on it...supposedly).

When Prince John became King John, Fulke was stripped of his lands, castles, and titles. Not dealing with this injustice well, Fulke took to the woods and became an outlaw and could not be stopped even when King John sent all his available forces after him. And yes there is a romance, but I can't give away all of my family history in one setting. Read the book and be impressed. :D

When I read this book I was completely enthralled (there's another book, Shadows and Strongholds, and it's about Fulke's father - who is also a very cool character) and wished I could have been there to see the action unfold.

And lo and behold, I get to call these guys Grandpa. :) :) I'm seriously so giddy the fact that I have 30 pages left to read of Thoreau, 32 pages of Muir, and several more 10s of Leopold doesn't even phase me....too much. ;)

Oh, and should you see me soon, you have my permission to call me Countess. I will remember such compliments when I come into my power in the future. :D
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