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Oct 30, 2009 23:21

I was originally assigned to CSSD-28 (combat service support detachment) in BSSG6 then DSC1 then DSG1 then DSG2 then you don't want to know cuz I half don't even know myself.  I just know it wasn't good and I still have some anger issues over it.
It's just like I remember it in this..mopp2 then mopp4 then the mysterious "cancel the alarm and keep pushing - no mustard or sarin or vx gases here man, pretend it didn't happen" 30 minutes later. Nexium, Prilosec, two decades plus of this..originally zantac(which doesn't help, btw) The XO (capt hamashin) used a creative phrase "borrowed a GPS from regiment" which we did often..we borrowed a generator..several dozen diesel fuel cannisters off vehicles...and alot of MRE's..ALOT of MREs.  Pushing like Capt Willard going to see Kurtz.  Front of the pack and spearheading like we were looking for a toilet at St.Patty's Bash.  This is some of the shit Schwarzkopf was keeping in his briefcase and it took til '96 to get it out of his greasy mitts.  Why? Cuz the report shows a Fox vehicle biochem detection.  Don't want us to take that to the VA, now would we?


We just watched Transformers II and there's a reference to Task Force Ripper at some point.  And at some point I found myself in the movie and was no longer enjoying it nor observing it.  I'm glad Hasbro can hock their toys this way.  Also glad they dropped a few F bombs for my kids.  Thanks Spielberg.
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