Jodi, you hurt me and I have forgiven you. I hurt you and you have forgiven me. The worst thing you could have done was leave me alone. I feel like we're just gonna grow further and further apart once you leave and, I don't think that's something I'll handle well. You are like my best friend and, if you just disappear, if you abandone me, THAT will hurt me. Right now, there's not much else you could do that would hurt exept stop talking to me and start avoiding me.
Hey. Mr. Superstar:
"I'll do anything for you"
"I'm your number one fan"
hey mr. porno star, I, I, I, I want you
hey mr. sickly star,
I want to get sick from you
hey mr. fallen star,
don't you know I worship you?
hey mr. big rock star,
"I wanna grow up just like you"
I know that I can turn you on
I wish I could just turn you off
I never wanted this
hey mr. superhate,
I just want to love you
hey, hey, hey mr. superf**k,
I wanna go down on you
hey mr. supergod,
will you answer my prayers?
hey, hey, hey mr. superman,
I want to be your little girl
hey mr. superstar,
I'll kill myself for you
hey mr. superstar,
I'll kill you if I can't have you
superstar, superf**k baby...
I love that song...
and... I love...
Nivek Ogre
Ogre is the hotness.