Greece Day 8 - Ferry to Mykonos

Jun 08, 2008 09:24

June 8th - 9:05 AM

We're aboard the ferry to Mykonos. The only ferry experience that any of us had was with the ferries on the Puget Sound. This is quite a bit different. There are no rows of indoor seating. There are some first class cabins, but we won't catch a glimpse of them. The seating is plastic chairs outside on the deck, and in a couple of breezeways. The smoking section is everywhere. What I wouldn't give for even a small non-smoking section. I currently have the worst sore throat I've ever had in my life. It's getting hard to eat and drink. The smoking and pollution are a down-side, and I'd warn any of you about it before you travel this way. Nothing we can do about it, and I certainly wouldn't allow it to prevent a visit; but be aware of it. The air is hazy and yellow to a far worse extent than I have ever seen in LA. Everyone smokes, everywhere, all of the time. The streets are dirty and buildings covered with graffiti. Industrial Greece is a very dirty and slightly unpleasant place. Again, not to deter anyone - this is a magnificent experience.

Last night, we arrived in town and our hotel was less than a mile from where the subway dropped us, so we took a bus to about a block from our hotel. K found a waiter at a waterfront cafe and got directions. We dropped our bags, learned that our hosts were willing to take us to the ferry dock this morning (woo hoo!!!) and went back to the same waterfront cafe for a bite. It's kind-of funny because I was thinking to myself that if what they had was tomatoes and feta and lamb that I was going to say screw it and go back to the hotel for a granola bar. I needed a break from the oily foods! But K examined the menu for us and reported that they had sandwiches. Yay!

The waiter took our drink order and then Eric ordered a tuna sandwich. The waiter said one? and held up one finger. I said no - two - and held up two fingers. And then panicked because I had been told that this gesture could (a) mean three or (b) be more than impolite so I said "Oh! I mean two!" and held up my thumb and forefinger. The waiter laughed and said "no, no, this (held up two fingers) is correct here." And then told us a story about a visit abroad where he had been ordering two beers and had nearly been thrown out of the pub for using the gesture with two fingers. We had a good laugh.

From there, we walked along the port a bit and K announced that she was still hungry so we went into yet another restaurant where K&E had Gyros, G had a salad and I drank beer and watched the futbol game. :) Then to bed and up before six this morning to catch the ferry. Bleh, I still feel a little bleary. Being sick isn't helping any. I think I'll take a bit of a nap now.

The water is blue and vast. I have never been on a vessel in open sea before. It is calm and beautiful. Islands dot the horizon. We're about two-hours out and a few hours left before we get to our destination. The ferry is filled with people of all different nationalities.

- late edit -
A bit later, K found some open seats down in what was most likely business class. We weren't stopped, so sat down there in the indoor non-smoking area and I took a nap for a while. Awoke a bit bleary-eyed when we reached Mykonos harbor and stumbled up to find everyone and disembark.

greece, vacation

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