Bendy Girl: A little Background

Jan 01, 2020 09:09

As a reader of Howling at the Moon, you will come across my alter-ego from time to time.
She is a 3" tall figurine named Bendy-Girl.

Bendy-Girl did not start out as an alter-ego.  She began life simply as a sample from a Hacker Group internal marketing campaign.  This promotion involved little Bendy-Joe and Bendy Jane characters.  But my Hacker Bendy slowly began to reflect my personality . . .
My accidental coworker warning system

Over time, other people started having fun with her as well:
More adventures of Bendy-Girl

Other promotional items can aid in expression:
Doom is a really, really big hammer

Sometimes, Bendy-Girl seems to almost have a life of her own:
Death and destruction ... all in a day's work

More adventures of Bendy-Girl 
A climbing expedition
Correction ... doom is actually a rocket launcher
Holy Holiday Horrors!
Bendy-Girl and the beach party

In March 08, Bendy-Girl got a mascot

So now when you see her pop up in a post from time to time, or wonder about my little icons, you'll have a better idea of what's going on.  :)

bendy girl

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