Dec 19, 2004 17:03
this past week has been interesante. monday and tuesday i stayed home sick. tuesday and wednesday we had study group. it was rather fun. oh yes i almost forgot. on wednesday it snowed. that was monumental. i was freaking out, heather dodge knows. umm the rest of the week was okay. friday i had mongolian. it was superb, of course. saturday i went to courtney blues. i drove myself all the way to funky beat where i met up with courtney blue and mamma blue. i bought j-neu his christmas present and i got another thing. courtney got tyler some stuff for christmas too. t-money...heh heh heh. then we went back to the blue casa and hung out. tyler came over. he opened his presents and we went to show his parents, then we showed some other people. it was quite fun. then we chilled and ate pizza and watched dogdeball and the OC chrismukkah episode. it was wonderful. i like being ryan. then i left at like 11 and came home. today i didnt do really anything. i have to finish everyones christmas presents though. i should go do that. i cant wait...only 6 more days! oh im so excited! if it doesnt snow tonight i might cry. poejgolansobgojewoigjl SNOW CHRISTMAS YAYYYYYYY!