(no subject)

Jan 05, 2005 22:38

Yeah so this is what you do when your stuck home sick for 4 days now.
Name- Katie
Current location- In my room
Nicknames- Katiebaby, crazyboots, KathyPatty
Sex- Female
Eye color- hazel
Hair color- light brown
Height- 5'4
Zodiac sign- Virgo
Status- single
Occupation- cashier(love my a&p girls)

Describing Me....

Your hair- light brown w/ blonde highlights
Your eyes- hazel but they kinda change with the weather
Your weakness?- ice cream, people who can make me laugh
Your fears- earthworms, growing up, leaving highschool
One thing you would like to achieve?-Make the right decision of which college to go to and have fun.
Your personality traits?- I'm pretty funny and love to make people laugh, I care about my friends...alot, I am pretty emotional and let things get to me, I'm usually nice to everyone.

What Is....

Your must over used phrase- I CANT, honestly, firstly
The first thing you notice in the opposite sex- umm idk, personality and looks
your best physical feature?- my legs?
Your greatest accomplishment?-Letting go, wining the carmel bagel eating contest!!!!
Your most missed memory?- When we were in Middle School and everyone was friends and nothing mattered. Maybe the summer too.
Your good luck charm?- Don't have one
The color of your bedroom carpet- white/"cream"

Are You....

Loud- when I'm drunk or hyper
Obnoxious- I hope not
Stupid- Sometimes
Smart- I can be
Lost- yeap, life is funny
Depressed- noo
Serious- not really
Funny- yeah
Cool?- As a cucumber hahaha gayyy
Fidgety- During physics
Self conscious- WE're all self-conscious I'm just the first to admit it...like Kanye saiddd!
Ugly?- no
Pretty?- I think so
Antisocial- No i love all my friends
Paranoid- ummm yeah
Stressed- yeah, a lot less now that all my applications are done
Lonely- yupp :(

Do You....

Smoke- yeah
Do drugs?- I thought I already answered this, only weed
Swear?- yeah
Sing?- haha my girls know I'm amazing (k-i-s-s meeeee)
Have a crush, boyfriend, or girlfriend?- We all have crushes, but I'm single
Who are they?-...
Like life?- Love it
Believe in angels?- yeah
Like to sing?- yes, even though I'm terrible lol
Like to run?- Yeah
Have any siblings?- one sister
Want kids?- yeaaa not for a long time
Like swimming- yeah
Wish you could fly?- umm i guess
Believe in yourself?- how cheesey
Have any tattoos?- nope
Have any piercings?-3 on each ear, and belly-button ring
Think you are a health freak- not at all
Take a shower everyday?- yeahh
Color your hair- yeah every 3 months
Own a web camera- nope
Own a digital camera- yeah, don't use it that often
Own a thong?- ohhh yeah
Ever get off of this computer- umm no
Have an accent?- nope
Go to church?- sometimes, I should more though
Have any pets?-no I'm allergic to everything except penny lol krick

Sleep with stuffed animals?- no, blankie :)
Think men and women can be friends without wanting each other?- of course
You have your license? yeahh
You have a Journal- livejournal
Suck your thumb- no
Believe in aliens?- no

Cry a lot- yeah I can be such a baby sumtimes
Like watching sad movies?- yeah
Like watching funny movies?- of course
Like camping?- no not at all

Have You Ever....

Been in love- yupp
Gotten beat up- nope, maybe by jenna a few times(havn't we all)lol
Shoplifted- yeah
Changed who you were to fit in?- not really
lied to someone?- yeah
Ever been in a fist fight?- haha umm not really
Ever been arrested- nope
Fallen for your best friend?- nahh
Made out with just a friend?- yeahh
Been rejected?- yupp, it's a part of life
Used someone- not really
Been used- I dont think so
Ever cheated on someone?- Nope can't say I did, all 4 years
Been cheated on- yupp
Done something you regret?- I regret a lot of stuff
Ever cry over someone of the opposite sex?- Yeap
Done ballet?- yeah w/ Jessica when she lived here :(
Danced around naked- lol Washington (Lindsayyyy Espo and Christine lol)
Jumped around for absolutely no reason- Maybe
Broken a bone?- I fractured my hand

The Future....

Age you hope to be married?- 26
What do you want to be when you grow up?- Something in the medical field

Where do you see yourself at age 20?- College


Thing to do?- be w/ my friends, going for long drives, cuddling
Television show?- Peoples court(shut up),Laguna Beach, Real World
Movie?- Requiem for a dream, Cruel Intentions a lot more
Drink?- white caramel oreo from Gloria Jeans
Music artist?- Dave Matthews
Song?- hmm probly of all time Dave Matthews Band-crush or DMB-one sweet world(they made an ice cream after this song, where I got my lj name from)
Animal?- puppies or frogs
Number- 7
Color?- pink
Holiday?- Christmas
Season?- Summer and Spring
Celebrity?- Ryan Phillipe
Fruit?- watermelon and cherries
Vegetable?- cucumber
Pie- apple(esp. when it's warm)!
Sport?- Cheerleading and softball
Breakfast food- my mom's pancakes, bacon egg w/ salt and ketchup
Juice?- fruit punch
Ice cream- chocolate w/ marshmellow or peanut butter
Brand of gum?- cotton candy bubblicious or orbit(the green kind)
Board game?- I forget what it's called, I always used played it back in the day w/ Christine Linds and Dee (the buzzer is like shaver) ok only they would get it. lol I dont even know if it's a board game.
Smell- Ralph Lauren- romance or Ralph Lauren-glamorous
Store?- Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister, MAC, rampage
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