August Count!

Sep 13, 2024 14:14

The End of August stats are here!...

January 31st figures:

Image word: 245 x 1,000.

Written word: 100,279.

1_million_words Total words to date JAN 2024: 345,279


February 29th figures:

Image word: 290 x 1,000.

Written word: 218,799.

1_million_words Total words to date FEB 2024: 508,799


March 31st figures:

Image word: 342 x 1,000.

Written word: 403,086.

1_million_words Total words to date MARCH 2024: 745,086


April 30th figures:

Image word: 402 x 1,000.

Written word: 540,684.

1_million_words Total words to date APRIL 2024: 942,684


May 31st figures:

Image word: 492 x 1,000.

Written word: 687,417.

1_million_words Total words to date MAY 2024: 1,179,417

We made our first MILLION! WOOHOO!!!


June 30th figures:

Image word: 681 x 1,000.

Written word: 895,921.

1_million_words Total words to date JUNE 2024: 1,576,921


July 31st figures:

Image word: 1,041 x 1,000.

Written word: 1,137,213.

1_million_words Total words to date JULY 2024: 2,178,213

And, just like that, we made TWO MILLION!!!


August 31st figures:

Image word: 1,230 x 1,000.

Written word: 1,359,177 .

1_million_words Total words to date AUG 2024: 2,589,177


Everyone who has contributed this year so far has done a great job! But it's not too late to join in, whether this is your first month, or you want to give us counts for earlier too. We appreciate each and every word!

Don't forget, our current long challenge is Give it a Whirl, and you still have plenty of time to get involved, as it runs to October 15th! Don't be afraid to 'give it a whirl'! There's something there for everyone to try, no matter how long or short!

And as always, there are plenty of other prompts on offer every week for your writing or graphic use!

Now, let's get creative out there! ;-)

monthly: stats posting

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