Happy Monday!

Aug 11, 2024 23:55

Howdy from my little home office, where it is Sunday night and I'm aiming to be ahead of at least one thing this week: The Monday post! The rest of the week will have to sort itself out as I go, lol. I'm looking at you, work deadlines.

I hope wherever you're spending this day, it treats you well and that you have some time and space to yourself for creativity. I have the weekend challenge prompts to mull over, and will be selecting some Drabble/icon challenge prompts as well.

Our FLASH challenge prompt for your Monday is: "I've made a huge mistake."

These next few months tend to be good for our comm, tally-wise. Let's see if we can wrap up the year with a whole of words, graphics, and artwork!

What plans do you have for challenges? For NaNo, maybe? There's a big bang I may take part in, if my fall lines up well. I don't want to commit until I feel sure but it certainly would make a difference in my time spent writing this year! We shall see.

Let us know how your week is looking, and fall or spring as well!

challenge: big buddy, challenge: drabble/icon, challenge: flash!, monday: accolades

challenge: flash!, challenge: drabble/icon, challenge: big buddy, monday: accolades

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