You know when you have one line of a Carpenters' song stuck in your head...

Jul 29, 2024 11:49

... it must be Monday!

And here we go folks! I've been swamped at work and unfortunately it shows in my attention here. I am so very sorry for that.

Big Buddy - We should all be at 93% of our month today? How are we doing? You've got two more days to cram all those words in!!

Speaking of which - UPDATE YOUR NUMBERS! The month ends soon! Let's count up how awesome we are!!

We are currently in the midst of Drabble/Icon Challenge. Go take a peek at all the excellent prompts that the fabulous angelus2hot has been leaving us!

If that's not enough for you there are WotD, Letters, and Numbers prompts. Or just thumb through old Weekend Challenges. You'll find tons of creative inspiration.

And your Flash Challenge is - EARWORM. Go forth and make something good come of that!!

Seriously just one line!!!

challenge: flash!, challenge: drabble/icon, challenge: big buddy, monday: accolades, admin: mod post

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