Monday is a Monday

Jul 15, 2024 20:36

I am writing this from Monday morning at my Home Office desk; I've scheduled it for tonight because for most of you it's still Sunday! We like to get ahead of things here in NZ (yeah, right! LOL!) Anyway, thought I'd better do it while I was thinking about it, or later I'd forget (story of my life).

Speaking of which, if anyone knows where I put that one Peter Pan handwarmer (I lost the other one at the airport in May), I could use it about now, as I'm currently wearing a wrist-wrap on my right hand because every now and then it's been giving me problems, and then it will be OK, so before I waste untold $$ going to the doctor's for it where he's likely to say 'Use a wrist-wrap for a while; see if that helps', I thought I would try the $20 option. If it doesn't help after a week or so, I will bite the bullet and pay the $$. It's cool over here now, since we are mid-winter while most of you are enjoying (far too much?) heat on the northern side of the planet, and I need to keep my hands warm when temps are down as purple doesn't suit me. Who knew one handwarmer would be useful - wherever I hid it from myself must be a good hiding place... and I know I didn't throw it out because I determined I would make one to match at some point, as I'm like that. ;-)

Right, enough banter about my idiocy! What's new on your writing horizon? Anything fun you'd like to share? I have not written for months, but that's hardly news! I am WAY behind on the monthly count - the last month I counted was March!!! I need to get that fixed, but will probably wait until July ends and do the month-by-month thing then. Make sure you update your figures between now and early August to be counted! I'm excited to find out how we're doing!

Now, our current Long Challenge is a WIP Push (Thanks for hosting, simplyn2deep, you did an awesome job!), but that's about to finish, so I hope you are well onto your goal with that one, if you took part! You still have time to get a few more words in before it ends, right? The next one up is a Drabble/Icon challenge, and I happen to know that angelus2hot has got a lot of awesome posts lined up! Jump on in; I will try to do so myself, since I've missed the last couple of challenges.

Big Buddies, you should all be at around the 48% mark on your goals, so I hope you're there or above! If not, how can we help you add words? Let us know!

Daily challengers - you guys are stars! You are doing so well! Keep up the good work!

Flash Challenge: No cheering from the crowd. Use it how you will! If you have the time, link us to any creation you get from it, so we can all tell you how fabulous you are!

And don't forget to scroll back over the last week, or check out the tags for any of our regular challenges, to pick up any prompts you missed, and use them to ADD WORDS!!! I know you want to!

That's it from me; have a great Monday, and may the rest of your week have you adding words like there's no tomorrow! Let's be creative out there! ;-)

exclaim: let's go!, challenge: flash!, challenge: drabble/icon, challenge: big buddy, monday: accolades, daily: count challenge, challenge: wip push

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