Word of the Day 06/17/24 Cheerio

Jun 17, 2024 22:10

Cheerio (interjection, noun)
cheerio [ cheer-ee-oh, cheer-ee-oh ]

1. goodbye; goodbye and good luck.
2. (formerly used as a toast to one's drinking companions.)

noun, Plural cheer·i·os.
3. a goodbye or farewell.
4. Older Use. a toast of “cheerio!”

See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com

Origin: First recorded in 1905-10; cheero; source of -i- is unclear

Example Sentences
"Hello, old thing, cheerio and all the rest of it," Huntsman whinnied lovingly.
From Project Gutenberg

Well, cheerio, and good hunting, and all that sort of thing.
From Project Gutenberg

Then he bent over her hand in a fashion more courtly than the “Cheerio!”
From Project Gutenberg

Now YOU come up with a sentence (or fic? or graphic?) that best illustrates the word.

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