Daily count challenge to shanachie_quill!

May 25, 2024 08:43

No words for me yesterday. Originally I had planned to do a lot of writing last night, but I was just way too tired. It was a busy week - a graduation field trip for my daughter for pre-k that I helped chaperone, my niece graduating from elementary school (and we had to be there at 7:40 in the morning oof) plus an hour drive each way to the pediatric ENT so Ellie can get tubes in her ears again since the poor girl has been having ear infections since January. So anyway, after the busyness of the week, I just needed to lay on the couch and watch some mindless TV, so I did.

Hoping the words will come this weekend instead!

shanachie_quill, I also hope the words will come this weekend for you! Good luck today!!

daily: count challenge

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