Monday! WOOHOO!!

May 20, 2024 11:22

Well hello there! Welcome to Monday.

Today, LJ tells me, is my 19th anniversary on LJ. As you may or may not know, it was Fanfic that brought me here. So 19 years of fanfic, that is something. Not that I was writing it, but I could not get enough of LotR RPS, and I found a home here. And now, the home has evolved, and I've really found my peeps. THANK YOU MY PEEPS! I really do love everyone here! You are awesome!! Another 19 years?

Big Buddy folks should be around 65% today. How are you doing? Do you need a push? How can we help?

Scramble around and take a look at some of the outstanding words of the day, numbers, letters, weekend challenges. THERE ARE SO MANY IDEAS FOR MAKING CREATIVE THINGS!!!

Speaking of which, flipflop_diva has been posting excellent ideas for Songfic challenge. Go take a look, sing along, make some pics and fics!!! Maybe even some hobbity fic, or people reading hobbity fic, or something about where David Wenham went.

Your flash challenge is: "Close only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades. 19 is 19, not almost 20."

And now I have to go back to work. What are you all up to this week?

challenge: flash!, challenge: big buddy, monday: accolades

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