Word of the Day 05/12/24 Wyvern

May 12, 2024 19:45

Wyvern (noun)
wyvern or wi·vern [ wahy-vern ]

1. a two-legged winged dragon having the back part of a serpent with a barbed tail.

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Origin: 1600-10; alteration (with unexplained -n ) of earlier wyver, Middle English < Anglo-French wivre ( Old French guivre ) < Latin vīpera viper

Example Sentences
My brother Rupert always goes, and it pleases him to see the Wyvern pew as full as possible.
From Project Gutenberg

Lady Cantire (from the interior of the Wyvern omnibus, testily, to Footman).
From Project Gutenberg

If my only sister isn't welcome at Wyvern at any time-I say at any time-where the deuce is she welcome?
From Project Gutenberg

I-ah-think you are going down to stay at Wyvern for a few days, are you not?
From Project Gutenberg

Probably from the same source came such mythical creatures as the dragon, the wyvern, and the cockatrice.
From Project Gutenberg

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