Monday is a Monday!

Apr 08, 2024 20:00

Yes, it's a miracle! I am here and it's only Monday! ;-) (We won't say anything about how this is a pre-scheduled post!)

How is your week ahead looking? Mine is looking LOOONG since I just had two very short weeks over Easter, but I will get through it!

I need to work more on editing my original fic, so I can say I have achieved something for the Original fic Challenge before it ends on the 15th! I'll be doing a round-up/rewards post after it ends, so watch out for that! There will be a new challenge starting on the 16th, so keep your eyes peeled next week!

All the usual prompts and entries have been happening over the past week, so scroll back or check the tags if you're in need of any help with making words this week!

Big Buddy participants, you should be around the 27% mark of your goal for April, so I hope you're there, or close to it! And I hope our Daily Count Challenge peeps are also making their days (and words) count!

Your Flash Challenge for today is: Don't take my word for it! Get writing! A hundred words or more will get you my undying gratitude for adding to our count, and you can pat yourself on the back for a job well done!

What else do we have? I know there's a group of wonderful people from the comm out and about taking in the solar eclipse that will be viewable in locations around the eastern coast of the USA (and others) at some point this week, and I wish you all a wonderful view, as well as a terrific time together! I know you will have a great time; I only wish I could join you! Next time, maybe!

Other than that, it's time to get moving; let's get creative out there, folks!

exclaim: woohoo!, challenge: flash!, challenge: big buddy, challenge: original fic, monday: accolades, daily: count challenge

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