Monday rolls around once more

Mar 12, 2024 09:37

I am writing from Tuesday in NZ, actually, but as it's my first day in the office (rather than at home) each week, it can often feel more Monday-ish, if you know what I mean! I arrived today to find my mouse and keyboard not working, and thinking it was a battery issue, went searching for replacements (getting the cover off was a mission!), only to find it wasn't the problem! The guy I share the desk with had accidentally taken the mouse/keyboard dongle home with him! Great start! Anyway, I managed to find a plug-in keyboard and a spare mouse with its own dongle to do for today. *sigh* Had to get in touch with him to make sure he brings it back next time he's in! So, an hour into my day and I could finally get onto things properly!

How has your week started? A bit better, I hope!

Don't forget to look back through last week's prompts for some ideas on working through any fics you're stuck on, or to kick off something new. You can check the appropriate tags or just scroll back through the comm's last week's worth of entries! I, for one, am quite keen to look at some of those song title prompts from the last Weekend Challenge! I hope I find time to at least make some icons or something!

Our current long challenge is Original Fic, so don't be frightened to give that a go, big or small! Writing your own characters can be fun!

Big Buddy peeps, you should be at around 39% of your monthly goal by now! how is it progressing? I hope you're on track, but let us know if you need any help!

Your Flash Challenge for today is: Something in the water

Do something small with that if you can. Add it or link it here in a comment so we can all pat you on the back, and you can say you added to this month's count!

What else do we have? I think I've covered everything, but feel free to let me know if I missed anything! Keep up the good work, everyone! ;-)

exclaim: let's go!, challenge: flash!, challenge: big buddy, challenge: original fic, monday: accolades

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