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asphaltcowgrrl March 6 2024, 19:11:32 UTC
PSSST! Next time, hand it off! I got you, boo!

Also, in preparation for my trip next month (!!!!), my boss is doing payroll right now and... I'm having a panic attack. Never thought I was a control freak before but... maybe I am?

Anyway, would you believe that I'm only 600 words shy of being on target? And I ought to be able to get that knocked out over lunch. HOLY FORKING SHIRTBALLS, BENCHES. 🤣 (Why, yes, we are still watching The Good Place, how did you know?)

(And now I have the urge to listen to some Toby Keith, thanks. lol)



kaige68 March 7 2024, 20:49:57 UTC
I know, but I had done that last week. *sigh*

HA! That would be insane for me. I'm actually grateful that our week changed in that regard as I can stay a bit late that first Friday and dont' have to think aoubt someone else messing up.

WOOHOO 600 words! That is awesome!!!


asphaltcowgrrl March 7 2024, 21:02:06 UTC
It's all good, even if you lob it to me two weeks in a row.

He did great though! The only mistake I saw after was that he misread my handwriting so two different foremen got an extra hour of OT. HAH. I'm glad yours won't be impacted though.

I managed just over 600 yesterday to put me over the line. So, YAY. Now, to get caught up for today. :D


kaige68 March 8 2024, 18:37:16 UTC


asphaltcowgrrl March 8 2024, 19:00:33 UTC
Thanks. :D


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