It's Monday again!

Feb 19, 2024 15:11

And I'm actually finding some time to post! It's a miracle! I know I am behind with a couple of things; namely I haven't done the January Count yet, nor have I done up the Long Challenge (LC) schedule due to start at the beginning of March - ulp! I need to get on those! The LC will come first, as I need to check my host/s are ready to dive into the next challenge, so a bit of warning is called for!

I am sorry about the count, but I was unexpectedly called out of town for the last week and this meant I didn't do any of the things I'd planned for the last two weekends (and days in between). I'm pleased to say that the cause (my sister was seriously ill) is resolving, as my sister is slowly coming right and should be back to normal in a few weeks, and I am home again! I have to say that TWO 9-hour travel days (driving to her place, and then back again a week later) is not recommended, especially not to older ladies like me! I was exhausted afterwards twice, but still had to do stuff!

Anyway, how are your plans for this week? Obviously, mine revolve around the afore-mentioned LC schedule, but I also hope to get some more icons made, as I was just lamenting to myself how I don't have any specifically for Mondays! If anyone has any other ideas for 1MW-based icons, or in fact any others, let me know and I'll see what I can come up with!

Now, how are the Big Buddies amongst us doing? I suggest you should be at around 65% of your goal for February, and don't forget it's Leap Year, so you have an extra day to get those last words in!

Also don't forget our current Long Challenge, which is Crossovers! skargasm has been dropping wonderful prompts (and have you seen the awesome graphics included in those posts?) for the duration, so no doubt there will be some more great ideas coming your way before February and the challenge both end! It's not too late to give it a go!

We have all the usual prompts and posts that you see here regularly for your inspiration as well, whether in Crossovers or any other thing you're working on, so don't forget to scroll back or check out the tags if you're stuck - something's bound to nudge you along!

Finally, here is your Flash Challenge for the day: We have Contact! Do what you will with it, 100 words, an icon, or a whole lot more! Link it here so I can praise your inventiveness and wow at the words you made, and then we can all pat you on the back for helping raise the count! ;-)

Other than that, all I can say is my usual, let's be creative out there! ;-)

challenge: flash!, exclaim: help!, challenge: crossovers, challenge: big buddy, monday: accolades, misc: prompts

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