Long Challenge Poll 2024!

Jan 05, 2024 08:32

It's time to vote for the seven long challenges we'll run between 15th Jan and the end of November!


I'd love to see some of the less popular ones given a go this year, just for something different, but you, the voters, will help make that decision. If you can, vote for one you haven't seen in a while, and three others, be they common or rare!

In all, vote for a maximum of FOUR challenges, please! Preferably ones you plan to be involved in. Note: you can run a challenge and also create for it, in case you wondered!

Poll 1MW Long Challenges 2024

Please let me know if you have any issues with the poll. I will leave it open until the 10th Jan, so get your votes in! I'll be looking for the SEVEN most popular challenges.


I need people to run (or help run) the seven challenges, so the other thing I need you to do is to comment here if you can help. Please let me know what you are willing to do, be it run the whole thing yourself, or help someone else, make bingo cards, create prompts, post daily/weekly updates or whatever. Also, let me know if there are any dates in the year you CAN'T work with for a challenge.

Firstly, though, I need someone who is willing to run the first challenge from the 15th Jan to the end of Feb. If you can do this, I would be grateful, as unfortunately I am going away on the 14th Jan and won't be able to kick things off. If you're that person who feels happy to run ANY challenge, this is a job for you! If there's a particular challenge or challenges you would feel happier running, let me know that, so we can choose the most appropriate one from our seven winners for you to kick the year off with. Thanks, skargasm! Crossovers it is!


1. Jan 15th to Feb 28th 29th this year!
2. Mar 1st to April 15th
3. April 16th to May 31st
4. June 1st to July 15th
5. July 16th to Aug 31st
6. Sept 1st to Oct 15th
7. Oct 16th to Nov 30th

And in December, K and I usually run Advent, Swap of Joy and sometimes the 12 Days of WIPness and 100-in-100, so we don't add them into the poll.


1. WIP Push
2. Rare Pairs
3. 5+1
4. Drabble/Icon
5. Bingo
6. Three Sentence Fic
7. Crossovers

And that's about it! Get your votes in, and don't forget to comment with anything relevant or any questions you may have!

admin: volunteers, exclaim: help!, admin: poll

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