Hanging my head in shame: Monday on a Thursday

Dec 07, 2023 09:52

OMG, I totally spaced on Monday's post this week! SORRY! it's been one of those weeks where time floated past, there were things done and now I can't even say what half of them were!

Anyhoo, I am here at last! It's like Friday for me today as I have tomorrow off work and am having lunch with my best friend, J, and then she and I are off to another of our friends' holiday home to spend the weekend with 'the girls' or the group I like to call the 'High School Girls' (or HHG for short, being Henderson High Girls). HHG have been more or less a regular thing for the last maybe 10 years, as before that we had sort of been in contact but with families and work and such, didn't really see that much of each other as a group. Now, we try to get together every few months, and maybe once a year (or less, with Covid etc) spend a weekend together. There are currently nine of us in the group, seven of whom will met this weekend, and yes, 'girls' is a loose term now we are all 59 or 60! LOL. I am very much looking forward to the weekend away - it's at the beach (first visit for this summer, which has just kicked off, very half-heartedly - today is overcast, dull and not particularly warm for the time of year), so what's not to love! The forecast is for fine weather, so here's hoping!!!

Enough about me, though! What are YOU doing this week? Any plans to make words? Any other things you're excited about doing - words or no?

I got my Advent day done - yay! 7 icons for 'Our Flag Means Death' are here, and check out the Advent tag - more great gifts are appearing daily! If you haven't checked out what days you are assigned for Advent, they can be found here!

Don't forget, the Swap of Joy tag, either! The joy keeps on coming! Just wait until 24 December, this is gonna be GREAT!!!

I hope everyone who signed up to either of these two fun challenges is doing well with them and enjoying their creative spirit! let us know if you need any help.

Now, for our Big Buddies, you should be at around 22% of your monthly goal; how are you doing?

Keep up the great work, both Buddies and Daily Count Challengers! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!

What else? Oh, scroll back over the last week to find all the prompts from our usual entries - you know the ones - or take a trip through the relevant tags! There's some good stuff there!

Your flash challenge is: Imagine you were on the other side of the world. What's going on there? I can tell you, Christmas is in summer where I live. Have you ever imagined what that would be like, if you're used to the traditional winter one? How about your favourite character being there? What if their significant other was in their usual spot, so they're separated for the holidays, or any other time, for that matter. Write about that... or any other darn thing you want from the prompt - or make icons, yes? ALL IS GOOD! Create as much or as little as you like, and link me! I'd love to see what this could spark in your imagination! ;-)

I haven't forgotten that I haven't updated the comm. word count, either. I know I am a couple of months behind, but the time has just escaped me. Use this extra time to update your counts before December 31! I am going to try to get Oct/Nov figures up before Christmas, because I really, really want to know where we're at and how much we need to push in those last few weeks to get a bigger number than 2022's final 5,095,551!!!

Now, go forth and create! ;-)

exclaim: let's go!, admin: reminders, challenge: advent, challenge: big buddy, monday: accolades, challenge: swap of joy

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