OMG, Monday is almost Wednesday!

Nov 07, 2023 23:28

My turn again and yep, I'm behind (so what else is new?). It's a busy week here, with lots going on at work, so I know I won't be able to do this from the office tomorrow, thus you get my quick fly by tonight!

How is it this far through the year already? All around me are reminders that Christmas is just around the corner! I need to get an Advent post up, I need to get the Oct count done, I need to do stuff at home and work, and the time slips on! My goal for this week is to get the count done by the end of Sunday, and we'll see what else happens!

What do you have plans to achieve this week?

Your flash challenge for today is: Look closer! Get something creative done with that in mind, and then pat yourself on the back for adding to your count! Link it here if you want!

Check out the tags or scroll back through the week's entries to find some good prompts to aid you with your count!

There's also the current long challenge, 5+1, with lots of great prompts appearing regularly!

And people doing Big Buddy, it's early days, so hopefully you are on track at around the 23% mark for the month!

Have a wonderful week, everyone! And let's be creative out there! ;-)

monday: accolades

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