Monday: springing into the new week!

Sep 18, 2023 18:24

I've been away from work for a couple of weeks, visiting my daughter & her partner in Christchurch, as they had a baby! Yes, I am now a grandmother (Nana)! Very exciting to meet my tiny new grandson, who came four weeks early, and help out at my daughter's with household stuff while she and her partner concentrate on spending time with the baby, who is still in hospital until his due date on the 29th Sept.

Anyway, back to reality on Friday, so work's felt like a bit of a shock to the system, but I am getting there! I have therefore not been very creative lately, apart from making the wee one a couple of knitted elephants to welcome him to the world! How about you?

It's my usual flyby with suggestions for you to check out the tags or scroll back to see what prompts from the last week you can use to add some words to your totals! You know by now what entries I mean!

Don't forget that Crossovers is our current long challenge - and there are some great prompts out there already, so have a look and get creating!

Your flash challenge is: Spring on the other side of the world!. See what you can do with that! If it's any consolation to those of you getting into colder weather, we have had virtually nothing but rain throughout 2023, so I am VERY ready for spring!

Big Buddies, you should be around the 60% mark of your monthly total. How are you doing with that?

Any plans for this week? We have finally finished the BIG RENO at ours, so my plans are 1/ celebrate! 🥳 and 2/ try to find homes for everything that was displaced around the house over the last 7 months! 🏠 I will also try to concentrate on some more knitting before it gets too hot. I think writing may still have to wait for a bit longer.

Have I forgotten anything? Hopefully not, but let me know if I have! And let's be creative out there! ;-)

exclaim: let's go!, challenge: flash!, challenge: crossovers, challenge: big buddy, monday: accolades

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