Hello there!
This is going to be a quick drive by, but hey, it's still Monday in a lot of our little world!
Flash Challenge: "Shotgun!" Use it however you choose, jut use it!
Big Buddy is over 54% today. How are you all doing?
Bingo has sadly come to an end. And if you didn't get things done, well... The prompts are still there... Just saying. But how about a hand for Dreamy running an excellent Bingo?!?!
Three Sentence Challenge has begun! Head over and check it out!
Go browse through our recent prompt posts and also check out the fact that we are at almost 2 million words for the year. WE ARE AWESOME!!!
And that's all I've got at the moment. Sorry. I hope your week is excellent and that all or your graphics and fics come together quickly and easily!