STATS ARE UP! April, May and June 2023!

Jul 16, 2023 21:02

I promised I'd get the stats in by Monday, so here I am getting it in! Woot, wonders will never cease, as it's actually only Sunday here! The sad part is that getting things together for this, I realised I hadn't updated since the end of March! I feel bad for letting you guys down by not posting more regularly, so I promise to try to keep up from here on in for the rest of this year.

Anyway, I'm updating April, May and June here, all together, with the three months prior still showing. Keep scrolling!

January 31st figures:

Image word: 119 x 1,000.

Written word: 180,511.

1_million_words Total words to date JAN 2023: 299,511


February 28th figures:

Image word: 142 x 1,000.

Written word: 349,767.

1_million_words Total words to date FEB 2023: 491,767


March 31st figures:

Image word: 250 x 1,000.

Written word: 510,718.

1_million_words Total words to date MAR 2023: 760,718


April 30th figures:

Image word: 414 x 1,000.

Written word: 770,275.

1_million_words Total words to date APR 2023: 1,184,275



May 31st figures:

Image word: 506 x 1,000.

Written word: 951,382.

1_million_words Total words to date MAY 2023: 1,457,382

Almost at the 1.5 mill!


June 30th figures:

Image word: 789 x 1,000.

Written word: 1,128,771.

1_million_words Total words to date JUNE 2023: 1,917,771




Come on, everyone, let's PUSH IT! You know we can easily get that 2nd MILL before July ends!!!

If you missed working on something in June, it's not too late to jump in for July! Our current long challenge is Three Sentence Fic, and I'm pretty sure most of us have at least 3 sentences in us! If not that, then think about grabbing a few prompts from one or other of our regular posts each week!

I know we can beat last year's total of 5 million! We may not even have two mill yet at halfway through the year, but if we pull together now, we can totally do it! I am going to pull out my finger and make sure I get moving, so please, come on down and join me!

Now, let's get creative out there! ;-)

monthly: stats posting

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