Monday's Rain

Jan 31, 2023 15:45

To quote a song! Rain is about all I can think of right now due to the severe weather warnings we've had in this part of the world, and the flooding our city was subjected to on Friday! But onwards and upwards! A little late for Monday, but hopefully it's still Monday somewhere!

How are you doing with your creations? Need some help, encouragement or more prompts? We're here for you! What plans do you have to be awesome this week? I'm just trying to get through the days till it fines up some. However, I do plan to write some more words in my chosen WIP for the current long challenge, WIP PUSH, which runs to the end of February! Here's hoping, as I really need to get back in the habit.

If you are Big Buddying, you should be close to 100% now, since January is almost done! I hope you're on schedule! If not, GET WRITING! You still have some time left!

Your flash challenge for today is: rising floodwaters.
Make what you can from that, and then pat yourself on the back for adding words to the count! And by all means link us all to your creation so we can appreciate your work! ;-)

Please scroll back through last week or check out the tags for our usual weekly and daily posts full of prompts if you're looking for some ideas on what to write or want to join in any challenges that you haven't tried yet. It's all here in living colour on our comm. site! ;-)

And it's reminder time: the 31st Jan is here/almost here. depending on where you live! Once it's over, please be sure to pop into our counter posts (helpfully linked at the top left on your computer screen {I'm sorry, I have no idea how to find them in the app}), and add in your count for January! I'll be counting next weekend (with luck), and I really look forward to seeing a FANTASTIC bunch of numbers to kick us off in 2023, in what will be our 11th year!

I've also linked our Long Challenges schedule, as shown at the top left in the computer version of LJ for anyone wondering what we have to look forward to later in the year. And I know angelus2hot has already scheduled posts for her challenges, so we are pretty much set! I need to get up my semi-weekly WIP Push post, but I'm running short on time just now, so I'll try to get that up tomorrow.

Hopefully I haven't missed anything! Whatever you do, try to be creative out there! ;-)

exclaim: let's go!, admin: reminders, challenge: flash!, challenge: big buddy, monday: accolades, admin: schedule, challenge: wip push

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