Apr 18, 2022 17:30
For today's challenge prompts, we are trotting out some words that seldom trip off the tongue but that describe a person or a mood pretty darn well.
Do they say anything to you about your fictional darlings? Or suggest an icon/graphic idea or three?
Apricate- To bask in the sun
Accismus - Pretending to be disinterested in something when you actually want it.
Crepuscular- Creatures active at dawn and dusk
Fractious- difficult to control and bad tempered
Insouciant- Calm and not bothered by the concerns of life
Metanoia- A fundamental shift in how someone sees something
Solipsist - Someone self-absorbed and thoughtless
Uhtceare - Waking up before dawn and feeling anxious
Good luck and happy creating!
challenge: drabble/icon