Merry Christmas...or just Happy Thursday!
Descriptions will be pulled from TV Tropes and a link provided if you want more information.
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One trope today.
Did I Mention It's Christmas?: This is one of those fairly rare occurrences when a story takes place at Christmas time or has some heavy Chistmassy elements to it but isn't about peace, good-will to all men, the birth of Christ, Ol' Saint Nick, or any of the usual trappings of a jolly old Christmas tale. In fact, with this trope, the holiday setting has no bearing whatsoever on the story in question (except, perhaps, for all this chaos happening when people should be celebrating). In fact, in most of these stories, you'd most likely forget or not even notice it's Christmas at all if it wasn't for the occasional appearance of a Christmas tree or or the presence of some other decorations or music.
For explosive action in a Christmas-y setting, it's An Ass-Kicking Christmas. For when it being Christmas is important, but not in a good way, see Twisted Christmas, Crappy Holidays, or Horror Doesn't Settle for Simple Tuesday. Contrast Do They Know It's Christmas Time?.