Last Monday

Dec 28, 2020 10:57

Well, Good morning to you! (or evening or whatever it is whenever you read this),

It's the last Monday of the year, and as this whole year has been going, I am utterly unprepared. And completely forget about being ready to start 2021. I meant to set up 100 in 100 for the last 100 hours of 2020 and that didn't happen. I will endeavor to get at least a post an hour for the last day of the year.

I have an interview scheduled in ten minutes, so let's see what I can do.

Big Buddy for the month, you should be 90% through the month. How are things looking for you?
For the year we should be 99% through, how is that going?

Your Flash challenge for the week is "CUT THE BLUE WIRE!"

Again, I'm not going to list out prompt links, but we've got 7 year of prompts!

7 years! WOW!!!!

Again, I'll try to get more posted this week, but in the interim, let me thank, from the bottom of my heart, everyone who helps out hear. We would not be where we are without you. Give up a cheer for everyone who post, and cheerleads, and contributes.

And super thank you to simplyn2deep for posting at least once every single day!

Squeak in a few more creative projects and UPDATE YOUR NUMBERS! And then let's put this year to bed!

challenge: flash!, challenge: big buddy, monday: accolades

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