Behind the cut you will find a list of everyone participating in the Daily Count Challenge and their day. I'm 99% certain I got everyone who signed up and put them on the correct days, but if I missed up, or a day doesn't work out, comment to this entry and let me know.
June Daily Count
FR 1 -
candreamSA 2 -
tkeylasunset SU 3 -
agdhaniMO 4 -
cmk418TU 5 -
simplyn2deepWE 6 -
bizarraTH 7 -
craterdwellerFR 8 -
flipflop_divaSA 9 - Dreamy
SU 10 -
weakmomentsMO 11 -
tkeylasunsetTU 12 -
agdhaniWE 13 -
cmk418TH 14 -
simplyn2deepFR 15 -
craterdwellerSA 16 -
flipflop_diva SU 17 - Dreamy
MO 18 -
tkeylasunsetTU 19 -
bizarraWE 20 -
weakmomentsTH 21 -
candreamFR 22 -
simplyn2deepSA 23 -
craterdweller SU 24 -
flipflop_divaMO 25 - Dreamy
TU 26 -
candreamWE 27 -
bizarraTH 28 -
cmk418FR 29 -
tkeylasunsetSA 30 -
agdhani Every Thursday I will put up a reminder post for the next week. If someone forgets to post that they've done their writing for the day, the next person will know it's their turn and can post after they've done their writing.
For example, it's 09 June and Dreamy hasn't made a post saying that they've done their daily writing, on 10 June,
weakmoments can post when they've done their writing to keep things moving on.
I think I've covered everything, but if not, please let me know.