A poll for next year!

Dec 18, 2017 11:08

It's time to start thinking about next year! I know it's busy for most people right now, but even if you are a lurker, we want your opinion! There are no wrong answers, and no shame no matter how you answer here. I am leaving the results open to everyone, so all I ask is that if you are going to comment about anything or to anyone, be as nice as you usually are, as we're just wanting this to be a great place for everyone to feel safe, no matter how silly they think what they're suggesting is!

kaige68 and I are probably going to need more help next year, as we have both been distracted away at times this year, and we really want to keep this comm going if people are enjoying what it provides and want to keep it alive. We probably only need a few people, but think seriously about whether you can reliably offer your time before answering the mod question, as we really don't want gaps in posting, although obviously we're pretty relaxed on the whole and no-one gets in trouble for forgetting or being late with anything! ;-)

Let me know if there are any hassles with this, such as it not working for you or anything glitching.

The last question needs a text answer and should just be a very short general idea of the challenge - you can always go into more detail in a comment. AND, please comment if you have more to say; thoughts are always welcome!

Poll 1MW 2018

That's it for now. I'll leave this open till Dec 26th, and we'll post about where we go from here after that, when I at least will hopefully have more time...

And in case I forget later in the week, MERRY CHRISTMAS, SEASON'S GREETINGS, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS, however and whatever you celebrate at this time of year! ;-)

exclaim: let's go!, exclaim: help!, admin: poll, admin: mod post

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