Awesomeness Awaits

Sep 25, 2017 08:39

Good morning all!

It's that most awesome day of the week.... Monday!!!

Yeah, yeah... I can hear you ask, "What's so awesome about this day?" For me it means one more day of hell before getting a day off to rest, relax and play catch up with housework.

The weekend challenge had a good turn out and I thank everyone for playing. We had one story submitted, so I call that a win. Woo hoo!!

Tell us how you plan to be awesome this week. Enquiring minds want to know.

Me, I'm hoping to get some words down and finish a fic I started for August Rush plus update a couple of my series that I've got posted on AO3.

weekend: challenge, exclaim: let's go!, exclaim: woohoo!, monday: musical motivation, misc: motivation

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