We are GO for February Bingo launch!!! Repeat: We are a GO for BINGO!!!
This post (hopefully) contains all the pertinent information you need to have a fun and successful Bingo event!! If anything is unclear (which it probably is), let me know and I'll try to elucidate further.
Very very special thanks to
craterdweller for taking on the task of making the
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Royal Pain
Hope to knock the other two out this weekend. YAY!
I have officially completed my bingo card! Sort of. In addition to the above I have:
An AU-ish (if working undercover counts as an AU) fic for the bookstore called Between the Covers.
Also the first chapter of what's looking to be a multi-chapter true AU for the college/university prompt called Hot for Teacher
I was working on a bingo challenge for hc-bingo. I have an almost complete first draft for the mini-card assigned for the Feb. amnesty challenge. (Round 8 starts in the summer - if you are looking for another bingo comm - They do the traditional 5x5 cards with one free space).
Awesome - good luck with your bingo card! Oh lord... not sure I need more bingo but for some reason, I love these challenges! Thanks for the rec. :)
The other 2 bingo comms that I regularly track/participate in are on dreamwidth and don't have mirror sites here on LJ:
* Trope_bingo's current round is an amnesty round (so I' get to finish up an old card :-) but they do have a generic card posted for newcomers or those that don't have cards to work on ... link. Trope bingo runs 2 bingos a year - four months to complete a bingo, followed by a 2 month amnesty period.
* GenPrompt bingo - runs 3 bingos per year - link. They allow posting of completed bingo cards from any round at any time.
I'm committed for one more exchange and one reverse big bang both due in April/May but am cutting myself off from signing up for any others this year. (Like I'll keep that promise to myself LOL)
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