Aug 21, 2007 17:51
MWF 9:30-10:20
Pop Culture 220: Introduction to Folklore and Folklife
My teacher reminds of me of Professor Trelawny in Harry Potter. She has really thick glasses which make her eyes seem huge and she has really long curly frizzy hair that she ties back with a scrunchy. She wears long skirts up to right below her breasts and she tucks in whatever matching shirt she wears. She is quite odd. She also has a twitch that makes it impossible to stare. She seems to know a lot about folklore and folklife. It should be an interesting class.
MWF 10:30-11:20
Journalism 200: Journalistic Writing
I think this teacher thinks she is a high school teacher. She prefers to be called Mrs. Taylor, and I have not called a teacher by Mrs. or Mr. since I was in high school. She really is a sweet lady though, and she seems strict where she would need to be strict. I think she will be a good teacher. Also not well dressed, but I suppose that is not necessarily important.
MWF 11:30- 12:20
Sociolody 101: Principles Sociology
Laura Sanchez is a freak. She spent half of the class time (a class size of 300 btw) talking about her horses, how one of her horses is expecting and then she proceeded to show the class pictures of her horses. She also mentioned which famous horses her horses are related to, as well as where her horses are currently located. The whole time! Horses, Horses, Horses. I don't have a problem with horses, I'm from Lewisburg... but still..... I am glad her horse is related to "Rags to Riches" but, I don't care that much. Let's take the class, give me an A and we'll be on our way...
MWF 2:30-3:20
Ethnic Studies 101: Introduction to Ethnic Studies
I took Ron Werdebaughs "Great Ideas" class to fill a requirement for my degree audit last year and I
thought that he was the coolest teacher ever. I realized I needed to fulfill a diversity requirement and was thrilled to realize that Ron teaches ETHN 101. Basically, I am pumped for the class. I know his teaching style, his exam style and what he looks for in his answers. He remembers me too! He is such a cool teacher. I put his name into Bob to maybe teach ETHN when Rolando leaves, but it looks like Rolando is staying the whole year. It's going to be a great class. Even if I have to sit in front of Nic Amelio ((DOUCHEBAG TIMES 5)).
W 3:30-5:45
RESC 470: Chapman Leadership
Chapman = drama. That is official. The leadership team, in my personal opinion has already spent too much time together. We have the problem of one leader trying to show up or be better than the others, there is hypocrisy, alcohol, drugs, sex, values conflicts, crushes::: WAIT! Am I talking about Chapman or "The Days of our Lives"? FOR EFFING REAL. When we discussed what it takes to be a good leader, I did not know judging was on that list. Living off campus is a sweet release. I love working on projects with Chapman with my closest friends, but if this nonsense persists, I might have to make a run for it.
TR 2:30-3:45
Journalism 465: History of American Journalism
I love it that 4 people I hate are in class with me. SAWEET. I already have to e-mail my professor and ask her to clarify what she means when she asks us to write about our "first sense of history and the first feeling we had when wewere multi-dimensional." If someone knows what that means, please let me know. I have a feeling it is something really obvious and I don't want to feel like a douche if I turn in the wrong thing or ask her and she'll be like "DUH." My prof has a real high pitched voice, but she is nice. She has a nice smile but I can tell she's going to be tough.
I'm a Junior in college. When did that happen?!