Apr 01, 2005 00:22
I'm feeling ugly. I want to be alone.
It's not that other people will scorn me necessarily ... no ... no ... it's that they'll see me.
Yes, and they will interpret everything I am through the medium of my physical being (as everyone interprets the external world).
And when I'm with other people, naturally, I'm inclined to think about their thoughts too. And that includes thinking about their reaction to my appearance. And that means thinking about my appearance. But for heavens sake, I don't want to think about my appearance!
No, no, this being with other people just brings on dark thoughts. I want to be what I only am to myself and only when I am alone: I want to be an incorporeal being.
I'll cover up all the mirrors and it'll just be me and my thoughts. Remaining in my apartment alone ... dying and going to heaven.