Jan 16, 2005 14:42
This weekend has been pretty good so far:
Friday school was... ok- just went to my dad's right after. At 4:45 Kaleigh came over and I did her make-up for her-- she's halarious. Then I packed my shit and we brought Kaleigh home and then my dad drove me home (here, to my mom's) and I got ready for the danceeeee. Then left and met Kim there.. The dance was pretty fun actually which means I'm probably gonna go to the one in Febuary. I think it's Febuary 11th =). More people should go and it would be more fun- whoever decided not to go and stay home and be bored instead, definatly missed out =P. Well anway, I slept over Kimberly's after and we laughed, and laughed, and laughed for EVER!!! It was funny that we were laughing... so we laughed even harder ;) hahah and then our stomach's hurt from laughing so hard so had to put that to an end. Then we went downstairs and made Speghetti and chocolate milk! Then went back into Kim's room and just talked and talked and them went to bed. We had to wake up early because she was going to her mom's and I had to babysit @ 10 =|. So I babysat until 12:30 and then same home.... and took a shower and got ready for my Award's and then went to my sister's in Laconia for 3:30. Then she drove me to award's and they were alright. We listen to people talk which gets boring after a while but Tiff and I couldn't stay for the whole thing because they were @ 4 and our practice started @ 5 =X. So after getting our.... circle pieces of glass with our name son then (=P) me and Tiff left and headed for practice-- and everyone was waitting for us THANK GODDD. So we stretched and went over the routine. 100 times. With 15 minutes left of practice we kept doing it and everone was dying by this point.----Kristina rated it a 4 out of 10 which was bad. Then the next time it was a 4 1/2 getting better... and then we did it again and got a 5 and that was better [obviously] and then we had to do it again!!! My arms were going to fall by the last 2 times we did it and I couldn't jump for shit because my leg's felt like led =P It was .... interesting. =) But yes.. anyways, Our competition is on Saturday @ the Wit. @ UNH!! Yay us!! =D I think we're gonna do good because we just have to clean up the routine which we can easily do in three practices. <33
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