Mar 21, 2007 11:57
I swear, I hate Cherokee County Court Referral. Well, One or two of 'em there are okay.
Yesterday I went in for a drug test like normal but for some reason it came back positive. That is impossible as since I haven't had a drink since October. I'm so mad. I think they messed up and now I have to pay for it. It's $40.00 to have them send it off to get evaluated and retested, and I have to drive down to Centre every fucking day until it comes back. For their fucking mistake. I'm so mad. Did I allready say that? oi vey!! It's scary that they have that kind of power to tell me I failed when I haven't done anything TO fail. And It's depressing cuz I'm so proud of myself - 6 months sober next month- and now they're all looking at me like I fucked up again when I didn't. Grrrrrrr.
Well, It'll all be fine when the results come back from the lab and they apologize (I doubt they will).