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1_crashqueen_1 May 31 2012, 02:50:47 UTC

seriouspants...AWW YEAHHH.

Neither do I. There are good decisions and bad decisions, sure, and they might have evil in them. Maybe. But honestly, how can you call something so complex like a human evil? There are so many layers to the human mind, you know? There's more to a person than just evil and spite.
I agree with you 100%, though. If you as a person find that, to your own morals, you've done enough terrible things to consider yourself evil, then fine. But, as I said, it is not normal for a person to fall so far below their morals to be evil. Most likely, if they are doing "evil" things, their morals aren't in the best place either. But again, who am I to judge wheher someone has good morals? Personally, MY morals aren't very good either.

That's a good point. May I quote you on that? If you make yourself proud, and live up to your own standards, then you'll be alright. O course, that load of responsibility takes honesty to yourself. If you're unrealistic and say you're okay with things you really aren't, then you'll probably make a lot of mistakes. Perhaps the only evil in the world is lying to yourself.

You made sense, don't worry. I'm tired too, though, so maybe when i wake up tomorrow this will all me a mess of letters like asdfkhljkl.


evrybdydncenow May 31 2012, 03:19:20 UTC
MOAR hugz!!!!!! *Gentle tackle hug cuz I dun wanna squish your face!*

Agreed with you, for sure!!

And yes!! Quote away pumpkin! OMG I've never been quoted before!! Celt that time that M-Swizzle retweeted me! Does twitter count?? I'm still new to twitter. It still confounds me a little. O.o

Yo my booty shorts are skank-a-riffic!! I'm psyched about them! They have wee little boats on them for like... NO fuckin reason at all!! XD


1_crashqueen_1 May 31 2012, 17:40:36 UTC

Yeah, I guess a RT counts. I'm really not sure. And twitter is really confusing. I joined about two months back...I'll admit I haven't been on in weeks because I get bored on there super easily. I'm not used to the setup yet. it's kinda odd.

Because boats on your butt are in style, DUH! Jeez, KC, get with the timezz. (I'm totally installing "skank-a-riffic" into my vocabulary. Just. Saying.)


evrybdydncenow May 31 2012, 18:50:57 UTC

XD Twitter is like... I don't even know. Facebook's annoying kid brother? But like, also Facebook is annoying so... y'know.

Can we be friends on twitter? >.> Straight up 80% of my friends on twitter (I only have like 12) are porn bots. And while amusing... y'know. PS: I'm @kacelondon I basically just post idiot things that come into my brain.

BROSEPH, Boat-ass IS in style, you're right! Clearly I need to get my fashion priorities straight.

I just ate a sandwich. It was fucking delicious.


1_crashqueen_1 May 31 2012, 19:15:41 UTC

I personally prefer Facebook to Twitter, because Twitter is so endlessly confusing and facebook is more Crash-friendly. But you can communicate with your idols or whatever easier on Twitter. Unless they're doody heads like 75% of MCR and don't use their twitters.

OF COURSE WE CAN! :'D I actually made a twitter simply because I was addicted to The Voice and there's a whole fuckload of Voice people to follow. I have like zero friends.

Seriously. You know guys will be whistlin' at you in the street because DAMN you make boat-ass look goooood.

I thought of Black Dragon Fighting Society. Immediately. What is my life.


evrybdydncenow May 31 2012, 19:21:00 UTC
Bro. BRO. I can communicate with my idols on twitter? HOMEGIRL... Why did you even tell me that. BWAH HA HA HA! Kacey is about to DERP all over twitter like a giant... .... derp.


Straight up, I am WAITING for the day that I get a restraining order from MCR served to me. It'll look really nice in a frame on my wall next to the space reserved for my Decemberists restraining order. XD

IDEK what that is. What's Black Dragon Fighting Society? Why does sandwiches make you think of that?


1_crashqueen_1 June 1 2012, 20:46:12 UTC
Maybe not that bad.

Dude. Dude. I bet that would be a first. Well, maybe not xD But still, you better feel pretty special because that is an accomplishment. But from all your amazing stories about generally derping whenever you meet them, I think you guys are old friends now. xP

The song that came out on that EP (i forgot the name whatever) that came out with Danger Days. There were like 3 songs on it. But yeah. That one is my favorite. :D


evrybdydncenow June 1 2012, 21:09:49 UTC
LOL!!! If my grandparent ever said that I'd be like O.O

My Grandpa on my moms side is suuuuuper sexist and kinda racist (going back to that just being old gives you a pass kinda thing) and when my brother and his wife were waiting to find out the sex of their first baby my bro was all "I guess we will find out of we are having a pro ball player or--" and my grandpa straight up did NOT miss a beat and goes "or a telephone answerer."

We were all like XD!!!!!! And he was SUPER seriouspants about it!

OH!! Ok sorry! Hurr durr!! Gotchya!


evrybdydncenow June 1 2012, 21:12:30 UTC

And then I posted wrong.

... I ain't even gonna fix it. XD


1_crashqueen_1 June 1 2012, 21:18:10 UTC
It's cool, happens to everyone. xDDD

Dude, is it bad that I find that awesome? Best kind of old person. Like, my G-ma usually is very catholic and strict, but she was high on all her meds and she went on to tell me about the terrible terrible sins that are associated with porn. I wish I had a cool grandparent who enjoyed making racial/sexist slurs in public and then he's allowed because he's old.

But, I must say, your Grandpa is awesome. Troll Grandpa xD (which gender did it end up being?)


evrybdydncenow June 1 2012, 21:26:05 UTC
Hahaha, yeah, my Grandpa is hysterically funny. Also he's literally 98 years old, which makes it kinda funnier. XD He's ANCIENT, and all SUPER sexist.

When my little sister Kelly came out as gay and he found out, oooohhhhh lawd! There were Lesbian jokes flying around like crazy

The baby ended up being a BOY! =D Braedan Joseph London!

(I love this pic! He was playing with my iPhone and I turned on the forward facing camera, and he kept taking photos and videos of himself, all super adorable!)

And their second kiddo turned out to be a boy, too! Jameson Edward London:

They say they're all done makin' babies, so clearly Jepha and I are gonna have to make a girl so I have something to dress up in frilly little dresses!


1_crashqueen_1 June 1 2012, 21:33:53 UTC
That's the best kind of old person! :D

Yeah I like watching all those Lifetime TV shows with the fashion designers and stuff. And my redneck dad always makes fun of the male designers. Just gay jokes everywhere. Everywhere. There was this one guy who was complaining because his model's boobs were too big and didn't fit in the garment, idk, and my Dad literally did a spit take and was all WTF YOU FAG YOU DON'T LIKE BOOBS ASKDFKGJFDH. XD

AWWWHHHH CUTE LITTLE DERPS OMG. I love little children, they're so cute! <3 :D

Dressing up little girls in their little baby clothes is amazing. Like the little shoes and hats and then baby sunglasses asdghgk


evrybdydncenow June 1 2012, 21:41:24 UTC
Lol!! My moms husband is the same way! My mom and I will be watching Project Runway or something and he'll be like "why would you even DO this job unless you liked seeing models in their underwears!"

I love my derpy little nephews! They are so great!!

I want a little girl soooooo much! I always see the cute little dresses in shops and shit and I get all flail-y and wanna make babies!!


1_crashqueen_1 June 3 2012, 21:53:18 UTC
Not aashamed in the slightest. O.O That's like me and my mum's only bonding time. Like, in Season 8 we bonded over loving that Mondo guy and hating the Michael guy even though I suspect they are in a relationship...:D

Ahem. Anywhore.
My dad is just like that. He kinda hates gay people. Well, he makes fun of them. Alot. But he's just a big, hairy, loud, stereotypical republican pyromaniac. Yay.

I have a derpy little set of twins, a boy and a girl...THE MATCHING OUTFITS. :'D

Seriously. My mom couldn't go into one of those baby stores back in the day or she wanted to adopt a baby girl from asia. xD Not kidding at all either.


evrybdydncenow June 3 2012, 22:15:50 UTC
Hell yeah Project Runway! I love the old school seasons, with Santino Rice doing Tim Gunn impressions. XD "What happened to Andrae?" And the whole impresson of Tim Gunn and Andrae go on a date to Red Lobster. XD Brilliant.

I try really hard to tune out homophobic stuff, either that I or I stand my ground and get all up in people's face about it. In 2009 Maine had a referendum vote on Gay Marriage, and I volunteered 50 hours a week on the Pro Marriage side, and THIS year, we actually have the ballot INITIATIVE, and we're the first state to proactively put Gay Marriage on a ballot as a "yes" vote, and I've just started volunteering with the campaign and running actions and stuff for it, so I'm very very outspoken about Gay Rights and super Anti-Homophobic. People like to shit their pants when they find out that I'm actually a registered Republican.

gajsdkl;j; OMFG MATCHING OUTFITS YES. T_T My brother and sister-in-law are all super like... uptight kinda... about what the boys wear, and one time I bought them matching outfits in their own sizes and dressed them up when I was babysitting and they came home and were all -_- and I was like "SO CUUUUUUUUUTE!"

I used to threaten that I'd just dress the boys up in frilly little girlie dresses when I babysat, but at the risk of never being allowed to babysit the boys again, I shant.

HALLOWEEN COSTUMES ARE A DIFFERENT GAME THO, FOR REALZ. I have loads of costumes that I put them in. My favorite is this little monster hoodie that I put B in all the time. It's so fucking cute. It looks like this:


1_crashqueen_1 June 7 2012, 23:58:33 UTC
Santino was my favorite just for that, oh my god.
whahaha. XD

Totally imagining you yelling at some jerkface that homophobia is gay. For real.
In all seriousness, though, I'm not really a liberal gal, republican christian redneck whoop de do. But can we control who loves who? When you break it down, love is a chemical reaction. You can't really help what makes those chemicals react for different people. Yeah, we as Christians don't condone it within our own congrgation, but most gays (not all) aren't christian and being a homophobe simply drives them away and makes us look bad.

Dude, how can you be uptight about baby clothes? I dress up my little cousins all the time. Ladybug outifts and cowboy hats and the little chuck taylors. Awwwhdhfdjfd

The best part about Halloween is getting the little catalogues with the baby costumes. Like the fuzzy animal suits and the Hershey Kisses and all. OMFG seriously though that hoodie is the epitome of cuteness.


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