Title: Hers
Author: Mimic
Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne, Gotham
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't play for keeps, DC owns them.
Notes: I'm still, technically, on vacation, but I had to pull something out for
jen_in_japan's birthday! Sorry, it's a bit late, but it took me a while for the inspiration to come. Happy birthday!
Feedback: Always loved.
Word Count: 100
It was an understanding, one that had shaped the very foundations of this identity, and everything it meant.
Gotham was an entity all her own. Shaped by the will of her people, and corrupted by the same.
His fierce mistress, who would prove her claim in him and his mission for as long as he could answer her call. He could feel it in the very stones of the street, the haze of the smog.
He knew her, and she knew him; from the crunch of broken glass under his feet, to the shudder of the wind caressing his cape.