Десять лучших фотографий живой природы от NG

Sep 21, 2012 23:43

В этом году National Geographic проводит очередной фотоконкурс, который уже сейчас идет полным ходом! Только за первые три недели редакция NG получила более 2000 красивых и вдохновляющих снимков сделанных в разных уголках мира. Победителю достанется приз в  $ 10000 и поездка в штаб-квартиру National Geographic в Вашингтоне, не удивительно, почему конкурс так популярен.
Вместо того чтобы перебирать все присланные фотографии National Geographic был достаточно любезен и отправил нам (сайту mymodernmet.com) серию из десяти лучших фотографий на тему живой природы.

The Explosion!
Photo and caption by Ashley Vincent/National Geographic Photo Contest

My Baby
This small baby is about a few hours old
Photo and caption by Ondrej Zaruba/National Geographic Photo Contest

Atlantic Spotted Dolphins Having an Underwater Chat
These three Atlantic Spotted Dolphins were acting playful for a few minutes so I swam over to join in. When I got close the dolphins came together as if they were going to discuss my presence. One of them seemed to say something then they did a little dance and were on their way. Amazing animals, I felt very lucky to capture the moment.
Photo and caption by John Gaskell/National Geographic Photo Contest

Baby Seal
Baby of elephant seal relax on the beach.
Photo and caption by Ondrej Zaruba/National Geographic Photo Contest

Penguins adrift on iceberg during a heavy snow storm in Antarctica
Photo and caption by Joshua Holko/National Geographic Photo Contest

Fearful Eyes
Taken in the early morning light in the 'impenetrable' rain Forrest. Our trekking group came across the second in command in a 17 large family of mountain Gorillas. We found him sitting in the middle of a old poacher track. Although he was calm and relaxed in our presence, his eyes told a story of a violent past and an ever awareness of potential threats in his tropical wilderness.
Photo and caption by Joshua Meltz /National Geographic Photo Contest

Protective Mother Cheetah
This mother cheetah, with 5 cubs nearby, made it clear that her limits had been met (or exceeded).
Photo and caption by Scott Belt/National Geographic Photo Contest

The Stand Off
Photo by Richard Davies/National Geographic Photo Contest
Taken on a Canon EOS 40D

Running at Vultures on Kill
Kids running at a Lion kill in the Kruger National Park. Lions had obviously cleared off by this stage.
Photo and caption by Robert Koen/National Geographic Photo Contest

Spotted this male lion while on safari in Kruger National Park. His disdain for the light clearly shows his imperiousness for those around him.

Источник: animalworld.com.ua

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