Apr 14, 2008 13:07
1. I just can't stand it that everyone always compares Twilight to Harry Potter. In my opinion, they have NOTHING in common. Except RPatzz. And WHY do they keep saying Twilight will be bigger than Harry Potter? Seriously, people who say that have NO clue how HUGE Harry Potter is. "ooh but eclipse bumped Deathly Hallows off the #1 spot on the bestseller list" uhm yes. DH had been on there for 3 weeks. Most people had already bought their books by then. Deathly Hallows had 2.2 million pre-orders on Amazon.com ALONE, that's the biggest pre-order of Amazon.com EVER. The movies made more money than 22 James Bond movies, more money than Star Wars. "Muggle" is now officially in the dictionary. Hell, there's a THEMEPARK coming! and the only reason there's no giant hype over the HBP movie, is that it's filmed on a closed set, in their OWN studios, because if it was an open set, they would not be able to shoot anything. I could go on forever....
Don't get me wrong, I love Twilight, but Harry Potter is WAY out of it's league.
2. I found out today that I have a workshop tomorrowNIGHT. From 6 til 10. GREAT. Who wants to be at school til TEN FREAKING PM? I don't! I'm gonna miss Desperate Housewives! and Dirty Sexy Money!
movie: twilight,
book: hp dh,
book: twilight,
movie: hbp,
fandom: twilight,
movie: harry potter,
fandom: harry potter