Oct 31, 2016 15:30
Well, deleting Facebook was overall a good choice for my mental health but it has really really served to highlight how few friends I actually have. Like, people I can confide in versus people whose lives I just sort of keep up on and have a peripheral relationship with. Therefore, seclusion. Particularly with training 4 days a week for my third dan test, working long hours (as usual), and the season change, I am spending almost an alarming amount of time sitting in my office reading.
On the plus side of that, I finished book #27 on Saturday (all in one sitting) and that puts me further ahead for the year than I ever have been at this point in the previous years. The rest of the year's lineup is currently planned to be "Strangers on a Bridge" (James Donovan, the true story that inspired the movie 'Bridge of Spies'), "Snow Crash" (sci-fi, Neal Stephenson), and "Like a Hurricane: The Indian Movement from Alcatraz to Wounded Knee" (Paul Chaat Smith). If I make it through those with time and brainpower to spare, I may re-read "The Subtle Knife" (I re-read The Golden Compass this year) and/or start on the behemoth "The IRA" (Tim Pat Coogan).
Work is coming into the busy holiday season, and our extremely brief interlude of being fully staffed (for about a month) has already come to an end. I worked 60 hours last week and it is likely that that will be the norm for November. December will depend greatly on the medical status of one of my employees who has been gone.
I am officiating M&K's wedding on Thanksgiving weekend, after spending the holiday in Duluth with parents & Kay (and hopefully Kay's new paramour).
Jon and I have taken off the whole week between Xmas and New Year's. Xmas will be spent with his family and then we are hoping to clear out the GB storage unit and perhaps spend a little time up north.
Once my test is done (next Sunday!!), we are going to start weightlifting together. I will likely start climbing sporadically again (though that will probably wait until after New Year's).
wallowing in self-pity,
belt test,
life update blaaah,
real adult life,
martial arts