Dec 08, 2011 21:29
I never understood the theological concept of 'grace' until today. It is overwhelming.
I deserve so little, sometimes, and have been given so much.
My favorite quote about love has always been that it means to be "completely known, and all forgiven".
Happy 3 year anniversary, my love. <3
EDIT: This is the 'quote' in question; it's a verse of poetry by Henry Van Dyke. Applicable poetry is applicable.
"For love is but the heart's immortal thirst to be completely known and all forgiven, even as sinful souls that enter Heaven. So take me, dear, and understand my worst; and freely pardon it, because confessed; and let me find in loving thee, my best."
Forgive the un-stanzified version.
ridiculous amounts of awesome,
the universe is amazing,
in case of apocalypse break glass,
things i love,
i do dumb stuff so you don't have to,
self-inspection and mental health,
other folks' writing,
thinking makes my brain hurt