"generous, free and totally unexpected and undeserved"

Dec 08, 2011 21:29

I never understood the theological concept of 'grace' until today. It is overwhelming.
I deserve so little, sometimes, and have been given so much.

My favorite quote about love has always been that it means to be "completely known, and all forgiven".
Happy 3 year anniversary, my love. <3

EDIT: This is the 'quote' in question; it's a verse of poetry by Henry Van Dyke. Applicable poetry is applicable.
‎"For love is but the heart's immortal thirst to be completely known and all forgiven, even as sinful souls that enter Heaven. So take me, dear, and understand my worst; and freely pardon it, because confessed; and let me find in loving thee, my best."

Forgive the un-stanzified version.

relationships/dating, ridiculous amounts of awesome, the universe is amazing, quote, dorktitude, in case of apocalypse break glass, things i love, poetry, i do dumb stuff so you don't have to, self-inspection and mental health, other folks' writing, thinking makes my brain hurt

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